The Space is located at ground floor and B1 in an old apartment complex in the city. Because the design of the building, the light pass had been restricted. The lower floors of the apartment in the city get fewer light originally in this case.
Lack of nature light and unappropriated design make the house dim and humid. Therefore, “lead the light in” project is what we focus on. We plan to remake the whole design and let the light spray to every corner in the house.We put the light in again by make the light go through the front and back window of the house.
The ground floor is the central part of the house. We design a whole bookshelf wall. In addition to the storage function, it becomes the most therapeutic corner of the space. A book and the nature light go together makes a joyful, lay-back afternoon. This part of the house is the most comfortable space for both adult and children. We break the formal impression of the working area for the host. It links to every direction inside the house and make it easier to look out for the young children in the house or reach other family member easier.
A comfortable and enjoyable place has been born.
The kitchen is in the basement with nature light in. It is designed in wood tone, which make the whole atmosphere steady. We raise the proportion of public area and make the design hierarchical. We change the original structure of the building, break the side wall and make window open widely, we also open up some part of the ground between ground floor and B1. All the effort is to make more light go freely into the whole space, including both ground floor and B1. Instead of choosing the brilliant, saturated colors, the calm colors we chose create lay-back atmosphere which make the place enjoyable and relaxed. This area is suitable for multiple usage, such as dining along or gathering together with friends and family.
By dividing the space to different area, the mild light shines freely in through the master bedroom and bedroom for kids. When light and lines of the rooms merging together, the simple and comfortable private areas are formed.
As we always following the subtraction design principle and letting the habitants live out the lifestyle of their own, we put away unnecessary elements. Leaving some blank for the space is also an important way of design, which make the consistency of the space and the stress-free feeling as the owner’s request. The design makes the old house reborn, putting the family member closer and the whole house has become a tranquil, simple living space.
2021, 台北老屋新生大獎│住宅空間獎
2020, 第13屆TID台灣室內設計大獎居住空間│複層
2020, 第八屆TINTA金邸獎居住空間│複層住宅類│銅獎
2020, 日本GOOD DESIGN AWARD居住空間│入圍